Quality Commission

Prof. Dr. Hakkı UYAR hakki.uyar@deu.edu.tr (Head of Department)
Asst. Prof. Dr.  Gülsüm TÜTÜNCÜ UĞURLUBAY tutuncugulsum@gmail.com (Co-Head of Department)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yakup ÖZTÜRK yakup.ozturk@deu.edu.tr (Co-Head of Department)
Lecturer Mehmet Ali DEMİRBAŞ mehmetali.demirbas@deu.edu.tr
Res. Asst. Dr. Mehmet Şerif ERKEK mseriferkek@gmail.com
Hanife SINTIRLI (2th Year Student)

Duties: To ensure the meeting and functioning of the departmental committees. To ensure the coordination and cooperation between the department commissions. To create surveys to ensure the functioning of the Quality Assurance System. To implement and supervise ECTS and program outcomes surveys. To supervise the PUKÖ cycles carried out in the commissions.